Kalashnikov And Its Impact On World Security

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Securitization is the concept of creating a security agenda using the discourse path. Generally, security threats are brought to the agenda and this threat is drawn attention. It is achieved by legitimizing unusual political and security measures through threats created by discourse in general. This concept, which was examined by the Copenhagen School led by Ole Wæver and Barry Buzan, examines how this was built as a threat rather than a security issue. At the beginning of this construction process, we can see that the states impose traditional security understanding, which is the basis of military security, to the society. According to Wæver, the beginning of the process of securing an issue politicians and politicians bring the issue to the agenda, and first politicize the issue. They argue that this issue is the survival of the state and that this issue should be given priority. The securitizing actor presents the referent object with discourse with the speech act method as existinal threat. If the mass is convinced of this situation and the issue is considered a security threat, the security is successful. De-securitization is a result of security. Generally, when there is insecurity security, there is no defense against it, it is not included in the agenda, but there is no defense against it. As an example of this, Turgut Özal’s term “a few bandits” for the PKK terrorist organization to be structured as a “threat of three or five looters” to the police station attacks is not a defensive in the agenda although it is a security threat.
During the 20th century the idea of states and its organizing type were shaping within the ideology. With this the the institutions of states are the political threats against to they together. Especially the liberal, democratic, facist and political ideas contract each other and each one were threat against the each other. Especially in the Cold War Era the cultivating is the one of the big results of these security issues. In this study, the effects of the measures taken by a state against this security threat to the world will be examined.
Avtomat Kalashnikov (AK), which is frequently seen in all conflict regions of the world, produced over 100 million units until the 21st century. This weapon was born during the World War 2, when the Germans attacked the Soviets and the German industry and the Blitzkreig were in need of an automatic rifle, as the German soldiers used (MP-44). Mikhail Kalashnikov, who participated in a design contest organized by Stalin, was chosen from among many participants. As Mikhail Kalashnikov stated in an interview, he designed this weapon, which he designed to protect his homeland, simply and reliably because the Soviet soldiers were untrained. This rifle, which was started to be produced in 1947, consisted of completely cheap parts because Mikhail Kalashnikov had designed for his homeland under the conditions of that period, should have been cheap and had a simple working principle as cheap. As a matter of fact, AK performed an effective performance produced from cheap parts with a simple working principle, working in all kinds of climatic conditions, even in water and mud, and using today’s NATO ammunition, 7×62.
With the Soviet expansionism in Cold War after World War II, Stalin was helping many socialist governments and states. After the Hungarian Uprising, which erupted in 1956, the Soviet government used AK-equipped soldiers to suppress the uprising, and the world publicity recognized it for the first time. At the end of the 1950s, Stalin went to fraternal countries (Bulgaria, Romania, China and Yugoslavia) to establish arms factories and officially gift these countries to produce their own AK rifle. Because the USSR, trying to securitize itself, was arming the states that were guided against imperialism.
In Vietnam, USSR was again sending AK rifles to the communist government and its army, Vietkong. These rifles were superior to the American soldiers and their M14 and M16, being a simple machine for jungle guerillas in humid environment, mud and water. In fact, after the USA’s containment policy was last here, the AK rifle made in USSR, passed the first test in Vietnam and was moving towards becoming a symbol of socialist insurgency. In China, where there is another socialist resistance, Mao made order for AK. Because he improve the guerilla strategy acording to himself which is the massive number of citizens armed (coming from the village and also are not educated) with the simple weapon which have large scale attack. And the AK was best option for the Mao’s strategy.
How did it fall from the popularity of AK in the socialist environment, around the world and in different ideologies, in the hands of different people? After the defeat of the war against the fall of the Islamic mujahideen of the AKs, the soviets’ own aid in Afghanistan. USSR withdrew from the region as the USA did in Vietnam. The photograph of a terrorist organization and its leader (Osama bin Laden), who will become more familiar with the world in the future, among the Islamic mujahideen strengthening in the region, will be in the public with the world and in almost all photos of him, he is accompanied by his AK, which he and alQaeda consider the terrorists’ most important weapon. After the withdrawal of the soviets, the mujahids drove most of these weapons at low prices on the black market, and the AK has now become a very cheap killing machine, and as the number one weapon of drug cartels in Afghanistan.
After the collapse of USSR the AK’s growing reputation as a cheap, reliable, effective weapon made sales to legitimate armies and rogue actors easier even individual Soviet soldiers reportedly sold AKs on the black market for less than $ 100. After the end of the Cold War, these actors then see AK again in most regional conflicts. As a specific example, AK was often seen on both sides in the Bosnian War. In another conflict region, Chechnya Grozny, AK 47 is seen in the hands of most mujahideen, which the AK culture in the Islamic mujahideen started in the Afghan-Soviet struggle.
Many weapons were sold to insurgent fighters and antigovernment rebels not only in the Middle East but also in Africa and South America. As a matter of fact the AK used in many African countries for indipendence clash and forming a new states. The good example of that is the Mozambique. They use the AK in their flag and it symbolized the socialist insurgency as well. These groups could not afford expensive weapons like the M-16. Because of its low price and availability, the reliable AK became the perfect weapon for guerrilla fighters and terrorists. “Kalashnikovs poured into Rwanda from Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, and other Warsaw Pact countries whose cash-strapped governments were eager to sell weapons to both sides. The Rwandan Popular Front (RFP), which operated from camps in Uganda and Tanzania and was predominately composed of Tutsis, mainly carried AKs from Romania. ” Even many childrens in Africa use the AK because of the easy using speciality. “Because AKs are inexpensive, easy to fire, require almost no training, need few repairs or maintenance, they are ideally suited for child soldiers.”
There is link between this weapons and the whole world in subject of how the Kalashnikov impact the international security. There is an example from the UN weapons inspector Alex Vines’s investigetion in Sierra Leon, he said that “A rebel child soldier showed me his AK-47 assault rifle which was stamped with M-70 2002 and a serial number. I knew immediately that this weapon had been made in Serbia ”.
In conclusion, this shows is the a state which is the USSR placed that AKs on many countries as form of aid and produce AKs above the world demand for their own security against the emperialism and anotner time when appropriate the AKs fire against the USSR. Also this gun walk around the world and came to a child’s hands or terrorist or the people whose illegal. This shows us to security measures taken by country must be well-thinked because Mikhail Kalashnikov’s only weapon designed to protect my homeland has become a cheap killing machine worldwide as a result of the decisions made by politicians under the name of security measures.